The Bayou Brothers geven een eindconcert na vier jaar gestudeerd te hebben aan het Conservatorium.
Na 4 jaar lang gitaar te hebben gestudeerd aan het Conservatorium van Utrecht wordt deze tijd gevierd en afgesloten met een concert waarbij Tom Veltien(25) samen met Bart de Win (Toetsen/Zang), Guus Bakker (Basgitaar) en Salle de Jonge (Drums), beter bekend als ‘The Bayou Brothers’, het podium zal delen.
The Bayou Brothers
“Does it sound funky or bluesy? Is it adventurous? Is it a rock band with a funny name? A little bit of everything if you add up the history of the four members. Salle de Jonge and Bart de Win kept bumping into each other and fantasized about a new band with a New Orleans sound as a starting point. The moment Tom Veltien and Guus Bakker joined an exchange of ideas started flowing and it pushed the Bayou Brothers in a new direction. Not a copy of any band or style, but a mix of everything the individual members have been involved in. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to present a list of all these projects. Expectations could be confusing. So this is what it is for now. ‘The Bayou Brothers’ is simply a band with a lot of voices, even more fun, complete lack of cockiness and, last but not least, fresh, original material. The Bayou Brothers are: Salle de Jonge (drums/vocals), Bart de Win (rhodes/organ/vocals), Guus Bakker (bass/vocals) & Tom Veltien (guitar/vocals).”