Hyacinthus Duo is a flute and cello ensemble dedicated to performing music composed from the 20th and 21st centuries, with contemporary, programmatic and contrasting elements.
Their repertory consists of music composed after the 1950s by composers coming from all around the world, from Brazil and Argentina to the United States and Wales. Some of the pieces that will be performed are new to the audience and still unexplored!
With great dedication and passion for music, this versatile duo searches for a fresh approach towards the palette of sounds and colors that the combination of the flute and the cello can produce, adding a variety of flutes in their performances such as alto and bass flute.
The Hyacinthus Duo is discovering new compositions and is actively engaged with composers commissioning new works to perform. Most of the pieces that are going to be performed are new to the audience and still unexplored. The chosen repertoire is meant to reach a wide range of audiences, evoking a spectrum of emotions and a cohesive performance.
Flute: Martha Gkolia
Cello: Lydia Kordonia