Kathakali – Classical Dance Drama from India
- Â Program Overview
-   19:00 hrs      Meet and Greet
-   19:30 hrs      Opening by Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, President, Stichting India Nederland Suriname (INS)
-   19:35 hrs      Address by H.E. Mr. J.S. Mukul, Ambassador of India to the Netherlands
-   19:45 hrs      Kathakali Dance Performance by Mr. Nandakumaran Nair
-   20:45 hrs      Short Break
-   21:00 hrs      Kathakali Dance Performance by Mr. Nandakumaran Nair
-   22:00 hrs      Vote of thanks by Drs. Sandra Oemrawsingh, Treasurer, Stichting India Nederland Suriname (INS)