“Standing on The Miraculous Field,” tells the inspiring journey of Terra, a farmer’s son who defies societal expectations to embrace sustainable farming.

In a heartfelt journey down memory lane, Terra and his girlfriend Lisa embark on a visit to a Japanese school, seeking to delve into the world of sustainable farming. To their surprise, they are met with an unusual request: to do absolutely nothing.

The performance uses evocative storytelling to explore our connection with nature and challenges the relentless pursuit of growth. Netherlands-based Japanese storyteller, Terra Norhiro Terazawa (Instagram) embarks on his mischievous stories of being a farmer’s son, his mental pictures, and natural farming.

This unique production is supported by Japan Fans and funded by Het Cultuurfonds for its Utrecht performances.

“Norihiro Terazawa masterfully uses his life experiences to engage the audience with a powerful narrative on the importance of sustainability and self-discovery.” – BingeFringe Magazine

Minimum age for entry: 14 years old

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