Workshop Contact Improvisatie: deze wil je niet missen!
Dansimprovisatie Utrecht has the pleasure to welcome Tim (NYC) to teach a workshop in contact improvisation again!
The balance of listening
Through attentive and dynamic listening we can find balance in falling, redirecting and soaring. It is this balance in listening that allows us to risk the unknown more fully in our dancing. With care and attention we will pose and explore questions, ideas and concepts, working through exercises and scores that will hone our skills as movers and thinkers.
Tim workes with Kirstie Simpson, Eileen Standley, Nancy Stark-Smith and many others.
See Tim dance with Kirstie Simson
Berenkuil, Biltstraat 166 in Utrecht
10.30 – 17.30 o’clock,
1 day € 65,- / 2 days € 120,- / 3 days € 170,-