Workshop DIU: Solo in Performance – Movement & Voice

“For people interested to explore and investigate the dynamic relation between body and voice.
You will be guided to explore the threshold where movement becomes voice, and voice is channeled again into movement.
To open up, feed and support this change of ‘register’ from movement to voice is liberating and revealing. 
This work is opening up spaces and new windows into our personal and artistic landscape. 

Even our focus is on solos, we will work in duet and groups configurations to stimulate, witness and support the individual process of making.
The work awakens the fresh and playful inter-action within oneself and the group.”

21 & 22 april
FORT B, Kapelweg 7 in Utrecht
10.30 – 17.30 uur, € 120,-
Springdeal: Wanneer je je vóór 2 maart opgeeft voor deze workshop + TOURIST dan betaal je slechts € 200,- totaal!

info Marisa Grande:
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