Workshop DIU: improvisatie op lokatie
TOURIST: A tool kit for Site-Specific Performance
met Sarah Kate Gardiner (UK)
A two-day physical intensive offering a tool kit for site-specific
performance. Like a tourist, we take a fresh perspective on the
familiar and new. Learning to read and unwrap the creative potential
of a location. Squeeze, expand and shift the space with body
presence and action, finally leading to a series of short edible
performances. Armed with their tool kit participants are performer,
director and witness.
With her infectious energy and humor, Sarah Kate leads Tourist,
encouraging participants to dive into the nooks and crannies of the
location and their own movement material.
For adventurous movers of all levels.
FORT B, Kapelweg 7 in Utrecht
10.30 – 17.30 o’clock, € 120,-