Beeldend kunstenaar

Maja Badnjevic Komt uit Servie. Twee jaar geleden is zij afgestudeerd aan de HKU in Utrecht. Op een subtiele manier confronteert zij de kijker met zijn zicht op de werkelijkheid. Zij laat haar werk, voornamelijk fragiele tekeningen, zien op openbare plaatsen in de stad. Zo heeft haar werk op een affiche gestaan dat in Belgrado werd getoond.
What inspired me profoundly in my youth, were the stories my father used to tell me every time he would come from one of his big trips.
The big influence came from the Greek antic writers. I admired greatly the renaissance painters. Used to read poems with my friends next to a fire stove. They were all very active in sports and on sunny days, we would go climbing next to the river we observed.
One day, while I was enjoying the sun, not doing anything really, a young man came to me. He said that he usually does not walk this far, but this time, somehow he lost track, and deep in his thoughts he found himself in this resonated area with no water or any plant or animal around he could eat. He asked for a place to stay and I offered him our summer house, explaining that more of my friends were living there, and that they will be very happy to meet someone from the south.
Voor iedereen.